
the explanation of Studentsite

Studentsite is the site which for UG students to get more information about news which will be happenning on college. from this site, academic administration services could be held. (http://studentsite.gunadarma.ac.id)

Here are some service inside the studentsite :

  1. Home, this menu is the main of this site, in this service there are some information from BAAK and Academic Calendar of Gunadarma University , and also General Menu
  2. BAAK News, there is an information from Bureau of Academic Administration and Collegian (Biro Administrasi Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan) about collegian activities and information as to Academic Administration
  3. Lecturer Messages, it is content some assignment from lecturer and messages about the lecture activities
  4. Rangkuman Nilai, this menu meaty of summarization of students' score
  5. Jadwal Kuliah, content of lecture schedule which students must attend
  6. Jadwal Ujian, this menu serve the time when the exam will be held
  7. Tugas, students can share their blog link to this menu for share their assignment, especially soft skills assignment
  8. Tulisan, this service for to link the assignments/works besides soft skills and notes which students made from their blog

Advantages of Studentsite

  • students can know everything which will be happening in the college, such us when the mid test will be held, etc
  • students can get more information about the Gunadarma University from this site
  • students can get more score from this academic service, from this site students can do their homework, especially their soft skills homework
  • students can get communication with other students
  • students can set their schedule in this site
  • this site is flexible for students to having email or conversation with the other students

Disadvantages of Studentsite :

  • usually, students get some difficulties or some problem to sign in
  • the site doesn't work well sometimes
  • students always get problem loading when access this site